I am a Fullstack developer with strengths in design, backend and cloud infrastructure. Through my work at a Tokyo start-up, personal projects and my study I have developed strong understanding of AWS, python, Flask and Django, HTML/CSS, SQL, Javascript and Vue.js, Docker and the development process in general. My goal is to effectively combine my passion for creative design and thorough web development in Japan.




HTML/ CSS/ Bootstrap




Dall-e Image Generator (Single Page Application)

Created an image generator using Dall-E api to bring to life the database of interesting quotes I have found from the books I read. Using Django channels and sessions to create a sinlge page websocket application
Stack - Python, Django (websocket), Vue.js, Nginx, MySQL, AWS EC2, Route 53, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Japanese Bachelor Percentage Calculator Bilingual (eng/jp)

Created an interactive calculator of Japanese males who meet the entered condidtions (age group, yearly income, height, obesity, smoking, married).
Stack - Python, Django, Vue.js, MySQL, AWS EC2, Route 53, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

ENG/JAP Article Database and API

Created an interactive practice test appliation for AWS exam questions read from an excel sheet.
Stack - Python, Flask, AWS EC2, Route 53, Excel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Personal SNS Account DB Interface

Created an interactive practice test appliation for AWS exam questions read from an excel sheet.
Stack - Python, Flask, AWS EC2, Route 53, Excel, HTML, CSS , Bootstrap, JavaScript

AWS Practice Test application

Created an interactive practice test appliation for AWS exam questions read from an excel sheet.
Stack - Python, Flask, AWS EC2, Route 53, Excel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Professional Portfolio

A central location to display my range of skills in software, design and business in Japan.
Stack - Python, Flask, AWS EC2, Route53, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Web Scraping of Rising Wasabi

Program to scrape for articles that have English + Japanese content. I wanted to explore international comedy in the Japanese language for personal study.
Stack- Python, Scrapy

Automation of Web-scraping using Subprocesses

Automation of the running scrapy, selecting from a range of potential spiders, selecting the output file location.
Stack - Python (os, posixpath, shutil, subprocess)

Rake File Automation

I created this program to automate the transfer of .csv files, their relevant folders and the creation of several .rake files.
Stack- Python (pathlib, shutil, OS, fileinput)